Ecology begins at home

          A few days earlier there was an event that brought me a lot of thoughts about our environment and future.I am talking about UE Overshoot Day. 🌍 

         It is day when we have used all resources that Earth is able to renew. 15th of May, since this day we live on credit.These date is not permanent and unfortunately it will be closer and closer to the beginning of the year.  Last year it was 1st of July.In 1997 it was 26th of October and in 1987 we had 
enough resources until 19th of December…

 In this post I want to encourage you to change your habits a little bit and became a person who is aware of our ecological problems and knows how to help our planet just by changing your daily doings.

There are a few tips how to be eco in home:

1.Hang the laundry, do not dry in the dryer 👚

2.If you have the option, let the hair dry out without using a hair dryer. It will also be healthier for your hair  💁🏼

3.Instead of filling the entire tub with water, take a short shower 🚿

4. Try to buy products without plastic bags  🛒

5.Check the tightness of windows and doors during the heating period 🔧

6. Replace old gadgetry and light bulbs with energy-efficient ones 💡

7. Matches are better than lighters that require gas 🔥

And a few tips how to be eco outside home: 

1. Buy only what you need. Do not be fooled by marketing tricks 😜

2. When buying fish and seafood, always make sure that they come from sustainable fishing ‼️

3. Use reusable bottles and mugs instead of single-use ones. There are cafes that charge a discount, if you come with your own cup - try it out! ☕️

4.Whenever you can choose a bike, public transport or a walk instead of a car.It is also better for your health 🚶🏼‍♀️

5. Buy a re-usable straw that you can take with you anywhere. 👌🏻

                  There are many ways to care for the environment. It is worth to live consciously,                           make sensible decisions and make responsible choices - for the benefit of the earth,                      all of us and future generations. 🌳♥️🌍


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